The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) (formerly R.C.I.A) is a process of welcoming people into the Catholic Church, helps to educate them on what it means to be Catholic and provides them with the support of loving, caring people who believe that living their faith is extremely important. 

Sessions are scheduled Sunday mornings.

O.C.I.A. sponsors offer their love and support to the candidate or inquirers in the process of growth.

O.C.I.A. Catechists and team members share their faith and the teachings of the Church and of Christ with the inquirers, the candidates, and sponsors as they engage in their faith journey.

The O.C.I.A. process has four steps:

  • The Pre-Catechumenate Stage - a time of asking questions and making inquiry
  • The Catechumenate Stage - a time of spiritual and continued growth
  • The Enlightenment/Purification Stage - a time during Lent spent in preparation to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil
  • The Mystagogy Stage - a time of reaching out to others and in living our faith experiences in our parish community

We also have seasonal programs of study on sacred scripture and periodic series on timely subjects. Check the bulletin for additional information or call Sherry West 304-481-0969.

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